Thursday, October 15, 2009

LiO - Episode 2 Yaki Niku

Episode 2 of LiO. Enjoy!

Monday, September 28, 2009

LiO - Luis in Osaka Episode 1

Sitting on a plane on my way back to Japan I was trying to think of a way to share my misadventures here with my friends and family back home. After a coulpe of red wines and a irish coffee, Luis in Osaka was I can come up with.

This my first episode of LiO. Enjoy.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Takedao Tunnel Art Event 2009

Also on the 20th, I'll be taking part in the Takedao Tunnel Art Event. Brought to us by Charles-Éric Billard, a man who seems to have his hand in every art pie in town, this event takes place in the abandoned tunnels of the of the old JR line in the mountains towards the Sanda area. A couple of years ago I attended this event and came away with a great experience. Now I have the pleasure to participate in it. So if you're free, enjoy art and music and the avant garde, please come on down.

Starting at 1pm, check out the flyer. Check out the flyer attached.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Kansai Music Conference

Friend and music promoter Duane Levi has been working hard hard in Japan the last few years to bring the best possible foreign music acts to the shores of Japan. The Kansai Music Conference is the spawn of his efforts and it will come to fruition Saturday, September 19 and Sunday, the 20 in Osaka. I will be performing on the 20th, at 8pm in the Blue Monk Cafe in Hommachi. Please follow the following links for more info onthe conference and acts that will be performing. Hope to see you all there!

Hanibal in September

After a nice long vacation, I'm back to the real world that is Nippon.

Some Hanibal Music dates for September:

9/20, Kansai Music Conference, Blue Monk Cafe, Honmachi, 8pm, doors at 7pm

9/25, Common Cafe, Nakazaki Cho, Umeda, doors and food at 7pm Common Cafe

Hope to see you there! Thanks!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ginger Leek Chicken

Even before my days in Japan, I’ve had a long affinity to ginger root: cookies, sugar cured candy, tea, in green curry and of course as a soft drink (natural, not the Canada Dry stuff). Recently, I set out to try to make an original recipe using a lot of ginger.

Ginger Leek Chicken

1 piece about palm size ginger, minced or sliced
2 cloves or garlic minced
1 leek, sliced
3 table spoons of olive oil
200-300grams (8-10 ounces) of boneless chicken thighs
1/4 cup of white wine
2 tablespoons of nanpura
2 tablespoons of oyster sauce
salt and pepper

In a medium pan, heat up the ginger, garlic and sliced leek with the olive oil until the leek starts to get a slight golden color. Cut the chicken into bite size chunks and season with salt and pepper. When the leek is ready(slight gold color), add the chicken, white wine, nanpura and oyster sauce, cover and lower the heat to a low flame. Let simmer for 10-12 minutes(internal temperature of at least 74/165 degrees C/F, stirring occasionally. Serve over salad, rice noodles, risotto or rice.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Burning Down the House!

Friday was a blowout. The place was packed. New friends, old friends, non-friends (they became my friends eventually) and a birthday cake.

Happy Birthday again to Mikito. Thank you all for coming. And thanks to Atsuko and her pics on Facebook. If anyone else has pics, please post them.

For now this will be the last Hanibal Live night at Common Cafe until the fall. Thank you all for making it a great night.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Taste of the Caribbean

Back at it next Friday the 15th at Common Cafe. Ayumi-san and her Caribbean cooking talents after a trip to, yep, the Caribbean. Come on down!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

And now...

...US beer and cola.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sliding Doors

I stepped on the train and doors closed behind me. As the train shook, I clung to one of the hand rings over head like Mitch Gaylord and shuffled my feet. A man, perhaps in his fifties, threw me smile. I smiled and nodded. He then leaned forward and with great clarity said, "Do you speak English?" and I again nodded.

He continued, "30 years ago I moved from Osaka to Tokyo for my job. The people from Osaka thought I strange too. People from Osaka speak very different. We use different expressions, different pronunciation and many local words. Don't worry, you will be okay soon".

Don't know what prompted him to say this but I smiled for the rest of the day. The sky was gleaming at 6pm, the start of the evening shade. Do I say "evening" or "afternoon"? I don't know.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

And now...

...$12 Grape fruits.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Today was their Birthday

Friday was a blast. With a Japanese, French, American, and Spanish crowd, the UN feel was a buzz. Unfortunately my chef extradonaire Ms. Ayumi couldn't make to her jaunt through the Caribbean Sea for the next couple of weeks, but Dominoes filled in adequately to kill the hunger.

With Nishikubo-San on the skins and Eisaku "Isaac" Takami driving guitar lead and myself riding shot gun, we threw down "Happy Birthday", "Pagan", "13th Hour" and others for the crowds enjoyment.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Great Pics for Kicks

Hiya folks. Quick post, new cruise spot. My buddy Jim Valencia has a great blog, showcasing his great eye for photography. Want to see how a pro does it? Want to see the Kobe/Kansai area of Japan captured on a Nikon? Please cruise on by. Cheers.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Good crowd, good times

Great crowd at Common Café last Friday. Many new faces and all seats were filled. Ayumi-san was throwing down the Cuban/Puerto Rican food, and before the end of the night, it was sold out. Doing it all again Friday, March 13th. Hope to see everyone again.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Boozing it up in '09

Well back in swing at Common Cafe in Umeda, Osaka next Friday, January 30th. To kick off the new year, bring a friend whose never been to CC before, get one free mixed drink!

Hope to see you there!